[Free] Zombi Bot Priv8 - Izocin Bot V8 | Bot Auto Upload Shell.

 Video Review

[1] WordPress :
[+] Adblock Blocker [+] WP All Import [+] Blaze [+] Catpro [+] Cherry Plugin [+] Download Manager [+] Formcraft [+] levoslideshow [+] Power Zoomer [+] Gravity Forms [+] Revslider Upload Shell [+] Revslider Dafece Ajax [+] Revslider Get Config [+] Showbiz [+] Simple Ads Manager [+] Slide Show Pro [+] WP Mobile Detector [+] Wysija [+] InBoundio Marketing [+] dzs-zoomsounds [+] Reflex Gallery [+] Creative Contact Form [+] Work The Flow File Upload [+] WP Job Manger [+] PHP Event Calendar [+] Synoptic [+] Wp Shop [+] Content Injection

[2] Joomla
[+] Com Jce [+] Com Media [+] Com Jdownloads [+] Com Fabrik [+] Com Jdownloads Index [+] Com Foxcontact [+] Com Ads Manager [+] Com Blog [+] Com Users [+] Com Weblinks [+] mod_simplefileupload

[3] DruPal
[+] Add Admin [4] PrestaShop [+] columnadverts [+] soopamobile [+] soopabanners [+] Vtermslideshow [+] simpleslideshow [+] productpageadverts [+] homepageadvertise [+] homepageadvertise2 [+] jro_homepageadvertise [+] attributewizardpro [+] 1attributewizardpro [+] AttributewizardproOLD [+] attributewizardpro_x [+] advancedslider [+] cartabandonmentpro [+] cartabandonmentproOld [+] videostab [+] wg24themeadministration [+] fieldvmegamenu [+] wdoptionpanel [+] pk_flexmenu [+] pk_vertflexmenu [+] nvn_export_orders [+] megamenu [+] tdpsthemeoptionpanel [+] psmodthemeoptionpanel [+] masseditproduct

[5] Lokomedia
[+] SQL injection [+]Mister Spy Bot v4 [+]Mr.spy v5 [+]izocin drupal auto shell upload Bot v2.0 [+]izocin drupal v3 new python bot [+]drupal v3 Bot [+]drupal v3 [+]Priv8 305 vulns very fast auto shell uploader bot [+]Exploit 2018 [+]Bot 2018 [+]Exploit Bot 2018 [+]Exploit Remote Code Execution drupal 7 and 8 [+]drupal 7 and 8 Exploit [+]RxR HaCkEr Bot [+]Mr.Spy Bot [+]izocin Bot [+] X Attacker Tool [+] X Attacker Bot [+]X Attacker V2.0 [+]X Attacker V3.0 [+]RxR HaCkEr Bot v2 [+]RxR HaCkEr Bot v1 [+]Joomla Exploit 7 [+]Joomla Exploit 7 2018 [+]joomla Exploit 2018 [+]Drupal Exploit 2018 [+]Wordpress Exploit 2018 [+]Mr.Spy V5.1 [+]WoOrm v4.4 [+]alixer bot v2 [+]alpha bot [+]Bot Exploit 2018 [+]satoshibox Hack [+]wordpress Exploit 2018 [+]wp 2018 Exploit [+]2018 Exploit [+]RCE Exploit [+]JCE EXploit [+]Sqli Exploit [+]LFI EXploit [+]Exploit Auto Shell Upload [+]Upload Shell 2018 [+]Joomla Component Arbitrary File Upload Shell Vulnerability [+]Joomla Component Arbitrary File Upload [+]Joomla Vulnerability [+]Joomla Exploit [+]Mister Spy V6 [+]Zombi Bot V5.7 [+]Zombi Bot V5.0 [+]Monster V1 [+]Payload Bot3 [+]Payload v2 [+]Bot ICG Auto upload shell Exploit [+]AutoFucker V1.0

List Tools :
[1] Google Dorker                     [16] Wordpress Mass Shell upload Attack
     [2] Bing Dorker                       [17] PrestaShop Mass Shell upload Attack
     [3] Reverse ip Priv8                  [18] Drupal Mass Shell upload Attack
     [4] Drupal RCE                        [19] Vbulletin RCE Shell upload Attack
     [5] Shell Finder                      [20] VbSeo Mass Shell upload Attack
     [6] Cms detect and exp(850 vulns)     [21] Tinymce,kcfinder,ajaxfilemenager and other 30
     [7] Private Toolbox                   [22] Private Perl Bigbang attack shell upload
     [8] nETCAT                            [23] Joomla Mass Brute Force and Shell upload
     [9] Python Sql Priv8                  [24] Wordpress Mass Brute Force
     [10] Detect Cms                       [25] Wordpress user pass shell up
     [11] Cpanel detect and brute          [26] izocin shell detect and auto rooted very priv
     [12] Sitelist ip checker              [27] izocin inbox auto mail sender[Priv]
     [13] SMTP Found                       [28] Private perl attack
     [14] config and smtp found attack       [29] Zone-h.org grabber and admin panel founder
     [15] Joomla Mass Shell upload Attack     [30] About this bot.How work.

Usage: $ python 0daybe.py
            $ python2 0daybe.py

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