PAYLOAD V3 Bot Auto Upload Shell | Mass Exploit.
Senin, 29 Juli 2019
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Nelo.F4 - PAYLOAD V3 Bot Auto Upload Shell | Mass Exploit. Payload v3 ini next generasi dari bot Br4in Payload Bot3, sebenernya ini bot lama ya alias lawan tapi disamping itu semua masih jos ko ini bot liat aja nanti result dibawah. meskipun 80% balik lagi ke list website kalian hehe oh ya mimin mau nyaranin bagi kalian yang belum mempunyai list website target untuk di scan bisa pake Zone-H grabber.
Screen Shot
Special Joomla Com_JCE Exploit Shell Upload Payload
It can bypass & Upload Shell at the place of image(.gif)
It can bypass & Upload Shell at the place of image(.gif)
List Of Exploit
Joomla Exploits
- Joomla BruteForcer
- RCE joomla 1.x to 3.x
- Add Admin joomla 0day 3.x
- JCE Index + upload Shell Priv8
- jdownloads index + shell priv8
- com_media Index
- Com_fabrik index + Shell priv8
- com_alberghi Index
- Com_AdsManager index + Shell priv8 Method
- and much more...
- Wp 4.7 Content Injection
- Revslider css Index + Config + Shell Upload
- wp-user-frontend Exploit
- gravity-forms Exploit
- HD-webplayer Exploit
- wysija Exploit
- pagelines Exploit
- Headwaytheme Exploit
- addblockblocker Exploit
- cherry-plugin Exploit
- formcraft Exploit
- userpro take ADmin panel wordpress [priv8] Exploit
- wp-mobile-detector Exploit
- and much more...
- Drupal Add admin
- Drupal BruteForcer
- Drupal Geddon2 Exploit - Upload shell + Index
- lib Prestashop Module Exploit
- psmodthemeoptionpanel Prestashop Module Exploit
- tdpsthemeoptionpanel Prestashop Module Exploit
- megamenu Prestashop Module Exploit
- nvn_export_orders Prestashop Module Exploit
- pk_flexmenu Prestashop Module Exploit
- wdoptionpanel Prestashop Module Exploit
- fieldvmegamenu Prestashop Module Exploit
- and much more...
OsCommerce Exploits
- OsCommerce 2.x Core RCE
Download PAYLOAD V3 BOT Disini
Usage: $ python2
requests Installation : $ pip install requests
Sesuai janji next bakal update bot lagi atau checker paypal, steam, hma, instagram dll. See u next update.
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